Friday, April 28, 2006

My Hostname

Sometimes I need to know my IP and my hostname and I'm too lazzy to open the command prompt. So I just visit and this website shows my hostname and my IP. I also work in the hosting business and it's the easiest way to lookup a client's IP and hostname. Instead of explaining all the steps for him to check his IP through the command prompt I just tell them to visit and it's idiot proof. It's a nice tool and it's free.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

retsambew dash klat for Charity has started a new SEO contest in Google, for the search terms retsambew dash klat for Charity. The contest started on 4/1/06 and runs until 9/1/06, when the winner of the $5,000 first place prize will be announced.
This contest is alittle different than your typical webmaster showdowns, namely in that the domain must be new (rules out any domain age advantage and puts everyone on a level playing field) as of the contest date and nobody is scrambling to make a ton of keyword-stuffed-domain-names-with-the-retsambew-dash-klat-for-Charity-stuffed-in-them. Same thing goes for subdomains, that's a no go as well. Another thing that sets this seo contest appart is that a link back to the Webmaster-Talk website is not required, only a link to a charity of choice.
The retsambew dash klat for Charity SEO Contest theme is to Entertain, to Education, and to Give. Pretty noble if you ask me.

Pixel Script

After the teenager's sucess in making a million dollars from his website (, selling pixels has become one of the way of making money from a website..

How it works?

A webmaster creates a website which is loaded with a pixel script (available for a price or even free). This pixel creates an image area on your page which is devided by tiny pixels which can be bought by anybody by paying the fees fixed by the webmaster.

In, each pixel was sold for 1$ each. Minimum buying quantity is 100 pixels, which is a 10 pixel X 10 pixel area. This pixel can be used to put a logo ofyour website or an image and link to your website.

What you get from these pixels besides pixel envy?

As its a link pointing to your website, you will get an advantage in search engines. Main thing is the traffic you can drive from these pixels. As and how your image is big and attractive, it will surely attract clicks and visitors to your site.

A typical pixel script uses PHP and MySQL, so your website should have provisions for this if you would like to install one..

I found a good pixel script which you can buy for setting up your million pixel web page.

Writing a Business Plan

When you are creating your own SEO or online business, you will want to create a business plan that will cover all your bases. There are many reasons why you would want to create a business plan.

One of these reasons is to document goals, and expectations on the finances . This will give you a benchmark to compare your achievements with. It also forces you to sit down and go through the finances, marketing plan, market analysis, etc. By doing this, you will have a better understanding of the e-biz you want to create.

Having a business plan not only helps you with your own business, but it allows you to communicate with others about your business. If you are interested in obtaining a partner, or hiring an employee, having a business plan will be helpful to show them and they can get a better understanding of the structure and goals of the business in about a half an hour.

If you want to get a loan, or investments, having a business plan is absolutely critical. Bankers, and potential investors will look at your business plan. They will try to analyze it to see if you understand how to deal with the money behind the firm or not. It will also give them an idea of how you view ownership within the company.

If you would like more information on creating a business plan, or starting an online business please visit Creating an E-Business Plan. This site has much information on getting your new company off the ground and into the black.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Domain Name Life Cycle

1. A new domain name can be registered for a term of 1 to 10 years.. Before registration the status code for the domain is AVAILABLE

2. After registration , the status of the domain is ACTIVE, nobody else can register the domain name unless it is back to AVAILABLE state.

3. Once the domain completes the registration term, a reminder mail is sent to the domain registrant asking him to renew the registration. Once renewed, the domain goes back to state 1. If he fails to renew it the domain enters a period where the status goes to EXPIRED. Even during this period the registrant can renew the registration by paying normal renewal fee and domain goes back to step 1.

4. Once the domain passes the expiration period of 0 to 40 days, it enters a period called redemption period, which can be 0 to 30 days. During this period, again the registrant can get his domain back, but paying an additional fine to the registrar along with the renewal fee. Until the redemption period, again no others can register this domain..

5. At the end of redemption period, the domain may be deleted from the registry in 0 - 5 days. In this period, status of the domain will be PENDINGDELETE. Domains deleted are available for fresh registration as before step 1. Usually domains are deleted at 2 p.m PST.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Is India the destination for SEO and PPC?

India has been the top destination for call center, software development and other BPO outsouced projects. Now is it SEO which is going to hit India?

In Bangalore, I have already seen some companies starting up their divisions in search marketing (Both SEO and PPC) , in that a few of them are MNC's as well. These companies are basically in US and UK having their SEO and PPC operations being done in India.

After call center and software boom , Bangalore and other major IT cities of India are heading towards search marketing boom. As in internet marketing, lot of money is being spent and earned, it can surely be a rewarding career for somebody who love challenges and compete with other SEM guys around the world.

Be on a watchout..

carcasherdotcom seocontest

Another good contest for SEO's, the challenge is to get your website ranking #1 for the term carcasherdotcom seocontest . The seocontest is organised by carcasherdotcom .
The aim of the contest is to award a 12month contract to the one who has better potential to make any site ranking on Google, yahoo and MSN.

Monthly prizes for carcasherdotcom seocontest is 500$ (#1 in google),

This thread is in fact my contest page (

I am also competing for carcasherdotcom seocontest !!


We support CarCasher.Com

If you have any suggestions for improving my result in the contest, feel free to write to me in my email address webmaster[at]indiaforums[dot]com

I made an entry into carcasherdotcom seocontest on 3rd April, and I am yet to spot my website in SERPs today (4th April). Hope to be #1 on MSN first for carcasherdotcom seocontest and then on yahoo before coming on google.. !!

19th April : My entry for carcasherdotcom seocontest was spotted 8th position on , but unfortunately it dropped to fifties after that day.

23rd April: Some good news.. This page is found at 3rd position in for the keyword carcasherdotcom seocontest. is still sitting pretty at #1.. Hmm.. it will not be longer before I replace you :-)

So guys wait and watch SeoLion's performance in carcasherdotcom seocontest !!

02 nd May
May winners of carcasherdotcom seocontest are announced, there was a surprise growth for towards the end of April and made the site #1 in google. Congrats the webmaster of that site.

For yahoo and msn it was , the strongly placed site for carcasherdotcom seocontest , won the prizes. Congrats to its webmaster too. Also congrats carcrasherdotcom for timely announcement of winners.

Well as far as my entry for seocontest is concerned, it gave me lot of expectations, but finished at 5th spot in MSN and 58th in yahoo.. Once I spotted it at 8th position in yahoo, but due to a recent update, it dropped.

Focus is now for June prizes for carcasherdotcom seocontest !!

To tell more about me, I am an SEO from India, working with few finance related sites for UK clients. I do have my own sites as well.
I am not a veteran SEO, as I am into this field for last 15 months only. I had a personal website running from one of the free servers from my college days. My craze about the internet and websites started then. Today I am proud owner of a forum, a couple of directories, some blogs (including this one). I made an entry to this contest, just to know where I stand in this SEO world. Waiting for the next months results..

Update 15th May 06
Great news.. I spotted my entry for carcasherdotcom seocontest at 1st position in Hope it remains till the month's carcasherdotcom seocontest winners are announced..

Update: May 28th
Its bad news again.. this entry is way down in the ranking. Currently it is at #7.. Hmm.. Its time to put in some more efforts..